Version 20 (modified by Cas, 11 years ago) (diff)

remove repeated boost install options and tidy up

Installing Deluge on Mac OSX

A package is now available for download


This works on OSX Lion 10.7 with Deluge 1.3.3 and also works on previous versions (Snow Leopard 10.6.x / Deluge 1.3.x)

These instructions assume a clean install of OSX (no XQuartz, Darwine, Winebottler, or MacPorts / Fink installed).

This methodology is time consuming, but is less error-prone for the uninitiated.

It is going to take a few hours normally to download and compile and also several gigabytes of storage will be used.


Download and install:

  • Xcode from App Store
  • MacPorts (v2.0.3 as of writing)


There are two interface options when installing Deluge, one is to use X11, the other Quartz-GTK. X11 is the classic Linux interface, while Quartz-GTK uses the native OSX interface. The Quartz-GTK is faster and looks better but is a bit more error prone, so it is up to you.

Open Terminal (under Utilities) and all the following steps will be done from here.

X11 Interface

sudo port install boost +python27 deluge

(boost library must be installed with +python27 or macports will complain later when building deluge)

Quartz-GTK Interface

sudo port install boost +python27 +no_x11 +quartz gtk2 deluge

or if that doesn't work:

sudo port install boost +python27 +no_x11 +quartz gtk2 pango cairo deluge

Start Deluge

  1. Open Terminal, assuming port is in your path (/opt/local/bin)
  2. Start deluged daemon:
    deluged-2.7 &
  3. Start deluge interface:
    deluge-2.7 &

Optional Steps

GTK Engines

To get a better looking interface, you can install gtk-engines2 (or others GTK engines) :

sudo port install gtk-engines2

Then set you preferred engine (clearlooks in this case, which is nice)

echo 'gtk-theme-name = "Clearlooks"' | sudo tee /opt/local/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc


If you prefer english version (or any other language) you can launch deluge using the following:

export LANG=en_US && deluge-gtk-2.7 &

Or alternatively, you can use an alias (in your bash profile, zshrc...)

alias deluge='export LANG=en_US && deluge-gtk-2.7 &'


More details / help available on forums! in OSX Section and also in this thread which initiated that wiki page.