1 | #
2 | # sessionproxy.py
3 | #
4 | # Copyright (C) 2010 Andrew Resch <andrewresch@gmail.com>
5 | #
6 | # Deluge is free software.
7 | #
8 | # You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
9 | # GNU General Public License, as published by the Free Software
10 | # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
11 | # any later version.
12 | #
13 | # deluge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 | # See the GNU General Public License for more details.
17 | #
18 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 | # along with deluge. If not, write to:
20 | # The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21 | # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
22 | # Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
23 | #
24 | # In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
25 | # permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL
26 | # library.
27 | # You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of
28 | # the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this
29 | # exception, you may extend this exception to your version of the file(s),
30 | # but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
31 | # this exception statement from your version. If you delete this exception
32 | # statement from all source files in the program, then also delete it here.
33 | #
34 | #
35 |
36 | from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred, succeed
37 |
38 | import deluge.component as component
39 | from deluge.ui.client import client
40 | from deluge.log import LOG as log
41 | import time
42 |
43 | class SessionProxy(component.Component):
44 | """
45 | The SessionProxy component is used to cache session information client-side
46 | to reduce the number of RPCs needed to provide a rich user interface.
47 |
48 | On start-up it will query the Core for a full status of all the torrents in
49 | the session. After that point, it will query the Core for only changes in
50 | the status of the torrents and will try to satisfy client requests from the
51 | cache.
52 |
53 | """
54 | def __init__(self):
55 | log.debug("SessionProxy init..")
56 | component.Component.__init__(self, "SessionProxy", interval=5)
57 |
58 | # Set the cache time in seconds
59 | # This is how long data will be valid before refetching from the core
60 | self.cache_time = 1.5
61 |
62 | # Hold the torrents' status.. {torrent_id: [time, {status_dict}], ...}
63 | self.torrents = {}
64 |
65 | client.register_event_handler("TorrentStateChangedEvent", self.on_torrent_state_changed)
66 | client.register_event_handler("TorrentRemovedEvent", self.on_torrent_removed)
67 | client.register_event_handler("TorrentAddedEvent", self.on_torrent_added)
68 |
69 | def start(self):
70 | def on_torrent_status(status):
71 | # Save the time we got the torrent status
72 | t = time.time()
73 | for key, value in status.items():
74 | self.torrents[key] = [t, value]
75 |
76 | return client.core.get_torrents_status({}, [], True).addCallback(on_torrent_status)
77 |
78 | def stop(self):
79 | self.torrents = {}
80 |
81 | def create_status_dict(self, torrent_ids, keys):
82 | """
83 | Creates a status dict from the cache.
84 |
85 | :param torrent_ids: the torrent_ids
86 | :type torrent_ids: list of strings
87 | :param keys: the status keys
88 | :type keys: list of strings
89 |
90 | :returns: a dict with the status information for the *torrent_ids*
91 | :rtype: dict
92 |
93 | """
94 | sd = {}
95 | for torrent_id in torrent_ids:
96 | sd[torrent_id] = dict([(x, y) for x, y in self.torrents[torrent_id][1].iteritems() if x in keys])
97 | return sd
98 |
99 | def get_torrent_status(self, torrent_id, keys):
100 | """
101 | Get a status dict for one torrent.
102 |
103 | :param torrent_id: the torrent_id
104 | :type torrent_id: string
105 | :param keys: the status keys
106 | :type keys: list of strings
107 |
108 | :returns: a dict of status information
109 | :rtype: dict
110 |
111 | """
112 | if torrent_id in self.torrents:
113 | if time.time() - self.torrents[torrent_id][0] < self.cache_time:
114 | return succeed(self.create_status_dict([torrent_id], keys)[torrent_id])
115 | else:
116 | d = client.core.get_torrent_status(torrent_id, keys, True)
117 | def on_status(result, torrent_id):
118 | self.torrents[torrent_id][0] = time.time()
119 | self.torrents[torrent_id][1].update(result)
120 | return self.create_status_dict([torrent_id], keys)[torrent_id]
121 | return d.addCallback(on_status, torrent_id)
122 | else:
123 | d = client.core.get_torrent_status(torrent_id, keys, True)
124 | def on_status(result):
125 | if result:
126 | self.torrents[torrent_id] = (time.time(), result)
127 | return result
128 | return d.addCallback(on_status)
129 |
130 | def get_torrents_status(self, filter_dict, keys):
131 | """
132 | Get a dict of torrent statuses.
133 |
134 | The filter can take 2 keys, *state* and *id*. The state filter can be
135 | one of the torrent states or the special one *Active*. The *id* key is
136 | simply a list of torrent_ids.
137 |
138 | :param filter_dict: the filter used for this query
139 | :type filter_dict: dict
140 | :param keys: the status keys
141 | :type keys: list of strings
142 |
143 | :returns: a dict of torrent_ids and their status dicts
144 | :rtype: dict
145 |
146 | """
147 | # Helper functions and callbacks ---------------------------------------
148 | def on_status(result, torrent_ids, keys):
149 | # Update the internal torrent status dict with the update values
150 | t = time.time()
151 | for key, value in result.items():
152 | self.torrents[key][0] = t
153 | self.torrents[key][1].update(value)
154 |
155 | # Create the status dict
156 | if not torrent_ids:
157 | torrent_ids = result.keys()
158 |
159 | return self.create_status_dict(torrent_ids, keys)
160 |
161 | def find_torrents_to_fetch(torrent_ids):
162 | to_fetch = []
163 | t = time.time()
164 | for key in torrent_ids:
165 | torrent = self.torrents[key]
166 | if t - torrent[0] > self.cache_time:
167 | to_fetch.append(key)
168 |
169 | return to_fetch
170 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
171 |
172 | if not filter_dict:
173 | # This means we want all the torrents status
174 | # We get a list of any torrent_ids with expired status dicts
175 | to_fetch = find_torrents_to_fetch(self.torrents.keys())
176 | if to_fetch:
177 | d = client.core.get_torrents_status({"id": to_fetch}, keys, True)
178 | return d.addCallback(on_status, self.torrents.keys(), keys)
179 |
180 | # Don't need to fetch anything
181 | return maybeDeferred(self.create_status_dict, self.torrents.keys(), keys)
182 |
183 |
184 | if len(filter_dict) == 1 and "id" in filter_dict:
185 | # At this point we should have a filter with just "id" in it
186 | to_fetch = find_torrents_to_fetch(filter_dict["id"])
187 | if to_fetch:
188 | d = client.core.get_torrents_status({"id": to_fetch}, keys, True)
189 | return d.addCallback(on_status, filter_dict["id"], keys)
190 | else:
191 | # Don't need to fetch anything, so just return data from the cache
192 | return maybeDeferred(self.create_status_dict, filter_dict["id"], keys)
193 | else:
194 | # This is a keyworded filter so lets just pass it onto the core
195 | # XXX: Add more caching here.
196 | d = client.core.get_torrents_status(filter_dict, keys, True)
197 | return d.addCallback(on_status, None, keys)
198 |
199 | def on_torrent_state_changed(self, torrent_id, state):
200 | self.torrents[torrent_id][1]["state"] = state
201 |
202 | def on_torrent_added(self, torrent_id):
203 | self.torrents[torrent_id] = [time.time() - self.cache_time - 1, {}]
204 | def on_status(status):
205 | self.torrents[torrent_id][1].update(status)
206 | client.core.get_torrent_status(torrent_id, []).addCallback(on_status)
207 |
208 | def on_torrent_removed(self, torrent_id):
209 | del self.torrents[torrent_id]