Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1556 Show torrent labels with console nick feature-request minor other (please specify)

Status: closed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#3075 config command not handling windows paths bug minor 1.3-stable Fixed
#3221 An option to specify move_competed folder with add command feature-request minor develop Fixed
#1188 deluge-console summary statistics nick feature-request minor 1.2.1 Fixed
#1245 deluge-console: Error getting torrent info bug critical 1.3.0_dev Fixed
#1503 Adding torrent in GTK crashed Console UI nick bug critical 1.3.0_dev Fixed
#1561 deluge-console info nick bug minor 1.3.0_dev Fixed
#1398 deluge-console commands with parameter --help fail bug trivial 1.3.1 WorksForMe
#1468 Command line arguments are not parsed correctly bug major 1.3.1 Invalid
#3112 Setting peer TOS from deluge console is different from setting Peer TOS from WebUI bug minor 1.3.13 Fixed
#2378 Deluge is not working with Mac osx Mavericks. bug major 1.3.5 Duplicate
#2380 Deluge does not open in OSX Mavericks bug critical 1.3.6 Duplicate
#2397 partitially downloading files extra extension feature-request minor 1.3.6 Duplicate
#2132 Deluge will not even start. bug critical other (please specify) Invalid
#2366 Location of deluge pid file bug minor other (please specify) Duplicate
#2874 console-ui update trackers feature-request trivial Duplicate

Status: new (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#3291 deluge-console exit code always "0" feature-request minor 1.3.15
#2403 size column only shows download size feature-request minor other (please specify)
#2025 renaming torrent via deluge console feature-request minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.