Custom Query (11 matches)


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Status: closed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#3278 argparserbase: exception when creating the pid file bug major 2.0.3 Fixed
#3325 Cant remove torrents with 0 download size bug major Fixed
#3440 charset should be ignored for application/x-bittorrent bug major master Fixed
#3334 Corruption of settings Calum bug critical 2.0.3 Fixed
#3317 dictionary changed size during iteration bug minor 2.0.0 Fixed
#3298 importing state of torrents from older deluge to newer deluge fails bug critical 2.0.3 Fixed
#3337 listen ports syntax error bug minor 2.0.3 Fixed
#3478 Magnets without metadata not restored from state. bug minor develop Fixed
#3279 Peer client UnicodeDecodeError bug minor 2.0.0 Fixed
#3368 Viewing peers causes UnicodeDecodeErrors bug trivial 2.0.3 Fixed
#3342 web ui error bug critical 2.0.3 Fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.