Custom Query (68 matches)


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Results (26 - 50 of 68)

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Status: new (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#3182 Deluged start with existing lock file crashes local network bug major 1.3.12
#3074 Deluged stopped working on debian, "FFI object has no attribute 'new_allocator'" bug major 1.3.10
#2376 Deluge still announces to trackers even when torrent is paused. bug major other (please specify)
#2986 detect already downloaded feature-request minor 1.3.10
#3165 "Device or resource busy" on Linux kernel newer than 4.9.0-3 bug critical 1.3.15
#3555 distinguish between last download and last upload time feature-request minor 2.0.5
#2835 Downloading Target With Same Name Corrupts Target bug minor 1.3.12
#3047 False warning logging regarding geoip resolution bug minor 1.3.15
#3188 Feature Request: Sort torrents by date completed feature-request minor 1.3.15
#3618 File-priority 'skip' sometimes ignored. bug minor develop
#3343 Fire the TorrentStorageMovedEvent when appropriate feature-request trivial develop
#3357 get_torrents_status does not return plugin keys bug minor 2.0.0
#3193 Lack of 0-byte file on read-only seed prevents seeding bug minor other (please specify)
#3642 Latent and missing keys in torrent_status and update_ui API/method returns bug major develop
#3561 massively parallel "recheck" operations perform far below system optimum bug minor 2.0.5
#2862 Merge private trackers if same domain name feature-request minor 1.3-stable
#3300 Move Download Folder triggers recheck even if the new folder is the same as the old one bug minor 2.0.3
#3344 network interface bind, wildcard bug minor 1.3.15
#3537 Non-ascii state loading fail. bug minor develop
#3336 Only n<7 torrents ever seed at the same time. bug major 2.0.3
#3613 password asked after upgrade to 2.1.2.dev0 bug major develop
#3421 Plugins don't receive TorrentFileCompletedEvent / file_completed_alert bug minor 2.0.0
#3544 program downloads ALL files bug major master
#3523 Pyhon 3.9.2 error in log files bug critical 2.0.3
#3144 Recheck does not consider completion move directory bug minor 1.3.15
(more results for this group on next page)
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