Custom Query (68 matches)


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Results (51 - 68 of 68)

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Status: new (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#3540 unable to update interface in thinclient bug major 2.0.5
#3555 distinguish between last download and last upload time feature-request minor 2.0.5
#3561 massively parallel "recheck" operations perform far below system optimum bug minor 2.0.5
#3629 Zero-length files not accepted bug minor 2.0.5
#3548 Torrent files with Macintosh (CR) EOL encoding cause errors bug major 2.1.0
#3569 Blocked on Windows 11 by Smart App Control feature-request minor 2.1.0
#2986 detect already downloaded feature-request minor 1.3.10
#3074 Deluged stopped working on debian, "FFI object has no attribute 'new_allocator'" bug major 1.3.10
#2835 Downloading Target With Same Name Corrupts Target bug minor 1.3.12
#3182 Deluged start with existing lock file crashes local network bug major 1.3.12
#3086 When I try "move storage" after click on magnet link, it not work bug minor 1.3.13
#2191 Renaming files issue when adding a torrent bug minor 1.3.5
#2377 Seed ratio not respected bug minor 1.3.6
#2376 Deluge still announces to trackers even when torrent is paused. bug major other (please specify)
#3024 Reuse already transferred segments from other torrents feature-request minor other (please specify)
#3046 Trackerless/DHT torrents' peers only updated after restart of deluged or adding new torrent bug minor other (please specify)
#3193 Lack of 0-byte file on read-only seed prevents seeding bug minor other (please specify)
#3220 Unable to download torrent from Archlinux primary URL bug minor other (please specify)
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