Custom Query (63 matches)


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Results (51 - 63 of 63)

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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1868 Search box into toolbar feature-request minor other (please specify) Fixed
#1859 "Remove torrent" action in GTK GUI is error prone and should be split in two Calum feature-request minor 1.3.1 Fixed
#1813 Add DHT, PEX, LSD and trackers peers stats, like in qBittorrent. feature-request trivial 1.3.0 Duplicate
#1679 Add confimation to "Remove with data" feature-request minor Duplicate
#1392 Add "incompatible" status to connection manager John Garland feature-request trivial 1.3.1 Duplicate
#1193 gtk client doesn't use theme colors feature-request trivial Fixed
#1120 Add a "Modify" action in Connection manager feature-request minor 1.2.0_rc5 Fixed
#1000 Torrent should be automatically selected for Statistics display andar feature-request trivial Fixed
#958 Search by name in torrent list andar feature-request minor Fixed
#930 Recently used folders to move storage Calum feature-request minor Duplicate
#645 Applying Options to multiple selected torrents doesn't work andar feature-request minor Fixed
#607 Add 'Date Completed' column to UIs Ghent feature-request minor Fixed
#265 Add new column "Remaining" Calum feature-request trivial Fixed
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.