Custom Query (62 matches)


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Results (51 - 62 of 62)

1 2 3

Status: new (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1458 Options to (un)check all files and set file priorites in Add Torrent Dialog feature-request trivial 1.3.0
#2334 Add option to GTK UI to startup application with OS feature-request trivial other (please specify)
#2411 Open Folder action to remote client feature-request minor 1.3-stable
#2515 Date format in columns feature-request minor other (please specify)
#2672 Open file on double click over filename feature-request minor other (please specify)
#2810 combined view for downloading and active torrents feature-request trivial develop
#2877 import site cookie feature-request minor 1.3.12
#3031 Resetting or hiding file priority of finished downloads feature-request minor 1.3.14
#3033 Priority should appear on directories if descendants have the same one feature-request minor 1.3.14
#3052 Further improvements for icons feature-request trivial develop
#2471 [GTKUI] Add Support for setting rate limit utp patch minor develop

Status: reopened (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#2341 [win32] Problems installing/enabling plugins with non-ascii username bug minor 1.3.6
1 2 3
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.