Custom Query (12 matches)


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Status: closed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#861 Deluge start before blocklist update John Garland bug critical Fixed
#432 Move Notification to a plugin. s0undt3ch plugin-request major 1.1.0_dev Fixed
#1098 does not properly enclose method comments defect major 1.2.0_dev Fixed
#1155 Stats plugin: time out of scale bug major 1.2.1 Invalid
#1180 Label change doesn't change speed bug major 1.2.1 Fixed
#1230 Plugin label doesn't apply correctly the preferences when I change torrent between labels bug major 1.3.0_dev WorksForMe
#1289 Execute plugin broken defect major 1.3.0_dev Fixed
#1216 Inform user that deluge-web is not installed if trying to use webui plugin Damien Churchill bug minor 1.2.1 Fixed
#1225 Deluge apply the queue preferences of label always bug minor 1.3.0_dev Fixed
#1314 When torrents are assigned to labels it's impossible to show all torrents. bug minor 1.3.0_dev Invalid
#1208 Execute Plugin - event Torrents Added not working Damien Churchill bug trivial 1.2.3 Fixed
#1240 Execute Plugin - always used "move_on_completed_path" Damien Churchill bug trivial 1.2.2 Fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.