Custom Query (175 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 175)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1275 Allow users to have blank/no password Damien Churchill feature-request reopened major 2.x
#2253 Handle torrent add failures in web UI Damien Churchill bug reopened major 2.x
#2341 [win32] Problems installing/enabling plugins with non-ascii username bug reopened minor 2.x
#230 Drag 'n' drop reorder of torrents for download queue andar feature-request new minor 2.x
#367 Do not store per-torrent settings that are saved in the resume data andar feature-request new trivial 2.x
#676 Add tooltips for torrents in the main frame andar feature-request new trivial 2.x
#1108 Abstract unlimited speed setting feature-request new trivial 2.x
#1212 Pause all torrents & auto resume after timeout feature-request new major 2.x
#1215 No prompt if client disconnected from server when torrent added bug new minor 2.x
#1251 Add Ext.ux.state.DelugeProvider Damien Churchill feature-request new minor 2.x
#1257 Add resource pre-loading Damien Churchill bug new minor 2.x
#1277 Queueing Options in the Add Torrent dialog feature-request new trivial 2.x
#1280 Upload speed when seeding feature-request new minor 2.x
#1326 GTK interface wider than screen with large font size or high DPI bug new minor 2.x
#1329 Color of icon when announce request on tracker failed feature-request new minor 2.x
#1391 Improve queue changing performance Damien Churchill feature-request new major 2.x
#1395 Same rank trackers should all be announced feature-request new minor 2.x
#1458 Options to (un)check all files and set file priorites in Add Torrent Dialog feature-request new trivial 2.x
#1541 [Label] Default label option feature-request new minor 2.x
#1557 [Label] Drop-down for labels in Add-Torrent options dialog feature-request new minor 2.x
#1677 [lt.sess_set.apply_ip_filter_to_trackers] Add option to apply ip filter only to seeds/peers feature-request new minor 2.x
#1899 Show an error if disk space runs out bug new trivial 2.x
#1913 pid file created by deluged in config is non-standard bug new trivial 2.x
#1931 No warning when binding to configured listening port fails bug new minor 2.x
#1962 Upload multiple torrent file at once Damien Churchill feature-request new minor 2.x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.