Custom Query (175 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 175)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#895 Deluge shows only halves of icons in the tree area andar bug closed minor 2.x
#1103 Global "Stop seed at ratio" setting overrides per-torrent disabling of "Stop seed" setting bug closed minor 2.x
#1174 Incorrect reporting of Download Progress andar bug closed major 2.x
#1189 Incomplete torrents give error at deluged start bug closed critical 2.x
#1197 deluge considers 0.14.5 > 0.14.10!! o_O bug closed blocker 2.x
#1199 deluge 1.2.2 considers 0.14.9 > 0.14.10 bug closed blocker 2.x
#1200 Exception dropped by deluge-web Damien Churchill bug closed minor 2.x
#1201 Deprecation warning, use get_session_status() bug closed trivial 2.x
#1202 AttributeError: Torrent instance has no attribute 'state' bug closed major 2.x
#1209 Move icons and pixmaps to ui/ andar bug closed blocker 2.x
#1215 No prompt if client disconnected from server when torrent added bug new minor 2.x
#1257 Add resource pre-loading Damien Churchill bug new minor 2.x
#1321 UPnP/NAT-PMP does not reopen ports when closed bug closed minor 2.x
#1326 GTK interface wider than screen with large font size or high DPI bug new minor 2.x
#1388 [win32] path to torrent-file contains non-ascii symbols bug closed minor 2.x
#1558 deluge-console info bug closed major 2.x
#1601 Reported active torrents during a crash bug assigned critical 2.x
#1606 [win32] High CPU usage with low activity bug closed major 2.x
#1686 sometimes loading over diffrent mode nick bug closed major 2.x
#1687 Help doesn't work in detail view nick bug closed trivial 2.x
#1689 Block-select doesn't work when cursor is above last position nick bug closed minor 2.x
#1698 Console - KeyError 'state' nick bug closed major 2.x
#1751 broke config Damien Churchill bug closed major 2.x
#1786 deluge not loading s0undt3ch bug closed major 2.x
#1814 allow localhost logins without password s0undt3ch bug closed minor 2.x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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