Custom Query (175 matches)


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Results (51 - 75 of 175)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#2431 deluged doesn't shutdown cleanly with hundreds of torrents bug closed major 2.x
#1817 deluge-gtk bug closed minor 2.x
#1891 deluge gtk no options working s0undt3ch bug closed blocker 2.x
#1889 deluge-gtk not loading bug closed blocker 2.x
#1786 deluge not loading s0undt3ch bug closed major 2.x
#895 Deluge shows only halves of icons in the tree area andar bug closed minor 2.x
#2330 Deluge uses 10-30% CPU when idle on Windows in classic mode bug new minor 2.x
#1201 Deprecation warning, use get_session_status() bug closed trivial 2.x
#2320 Directly send torrent-file content to Web UI JSON-RPC add_torrents method Damien Churchill patch new minor 2.1.1
#2236 Disabling plugin with filter in webui generates errors bug new trivial 2.x
#2284 Display to user information about plugins not installed locally feature-request new minor 2.x
#367 Do not store per-torrent settings that are saved in the resume data andar feature-request new trivial 2.x
#2028 Don't save state information in configuration files feature-request new minor 2.x
#230 Drag 'n' drop reorder of torrents for download queue andar feature-request new minor 2.x
#2462 Edit Trackers Option bug closed minor 2.x
#1200 Exception dropped by deluge-web Damien Churchill bug closed minor 2.x
#2217 Exception is thrown in gtkui when opening preferences bug closed minor 2.x
#2502 [Extract] Uncompress feature, similar to rtorrent unpack feature-request new minor 2.x
#1844 File choice ignored, no file right-click menu s0undt3ch bug closed minor 2.x
#3013 Firefox doesn't offer to store deluge-web password feature-request new minor 2.x
#2234 Folllow freedesktop specs for files created/stored by Deluge bug new trivial 2.x
#2040 [freespace] exceptions.KeyError: 72 bug closed minor 2.x
#1851 freespace plugin s0undt3ch bug closed major 2.x
#2277 get_torrent_status ignores plugins - Bug in commit 8c106ce8c4c0794ddd63e8e8f98b097221a56a52 bug closed critical 2.x
#1951 'git master' does not load plugins in Ubuntu bug closed blocker 2.x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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