Custom Query (175 matches)


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Results (76 - 100 of 175)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1103 Global "Stop seed at ratio" setting overrides per-torrent disabling of "Stop seed" setting bug closed minor 2.x
#1326 GTK interface wider than screen with large font size or high DPI bug new minor 2.x
#1874 gtk not loading s0undt3ch bug closed blocker 2.x
#1873 gtk torrent options s0undt3ch bug closed critical 2.x
#2471 [GTKUI] Add Support for setting rate limit utp patch new minor 2.x
#1815 GTK UI Automatic connect s0undt3ch bug closed critical 2.x
#1204 gtkui doesn't show the torrents of a label/tracker defect closed major 2.x
#2253 Handle torrent add failures in web UI Damien Churchill bug reopened major 2.x
#1687 Help doesn't work in detail view nick bug closed trivial 2.x
#1316 Implement file/folder renaming in Web UI Damien Churchill feature-request assigned major 2.x
#2877 import site cookie feature-request new minor 2.x
#2749 improve input for seeding relation bug new minor 2.x
#1391 Improve queue changing performance Damien Churchill feature-request new major 2.x
#1189 Incomplete torrents give error at deluged start bug closed critical 2.x
#1174 Incorrect reporting of Download Progress andar bug closed major 2.x
#1186 Integrated RSS Plugin John Garland plugin-request closed minor 2.x
#2090 json api get_hosts returns status Offline for all hosts Damien Churchill bug new trivial 2.x
#1541 [Label] Default label option feature-request new minor 2.x
#1557 [Label] Drop-down for labels in Add-Torrent options dialog feature-request new minor 2.x
#507 label plugin mvoncken plugin-request closed major 2.x
#851 Labels can only be lowercase Damien Churchill patch accepted trivial 2.x
#2935 language bug new minor 2.x
#2339 logging is incomplete and inconsistent in the web UI back-end bug new minor 2.x
#1467 Log to file when not daemonized defect closed minor 2.x
#2257 [lt.sess_set.active_*] Allow setting of active_dht_limit, active_tracker_limit and active_lsd_limit. Fix bugs. patch new major 2.x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.