Custom Query (175 matches)


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Results (101 - 125 of 175)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#2070 Webui spinners not validating user entries Damien Churchill bug new minor 2.x
#2082 validate ip address for interface entry bug closed minor 2.x
#2088 [console] info --sort not in git master(1.4) bug closed minor 2.x
#2091 Deluge (daemon) overwrites log when starting. bug closed minor 2.x
#2105 Proxy for http[s] connections (httpdownloader) feature-request new minor 2.x
#2154 "copy of .torrent" there is no error when specified location is unavailable bug new minor 2.x
#2156 UI should show folders marked as "do not download" somehow bug closed minor 2.x
#2167 Newer version eggs of supplied plugins not overriding old version on Ubuntu bug new minor 2.x
#2174 Unable to add torrent via URL bug closed minor 2.x
#2179 [AutoAdd] Add WebUI plugin page DjLegolas feature-request closed minor 2.x
#2203 1.3.900-dev connection manager port is 0 bug closed minor 2.x
#2211 Cannot disable downloading of individual files Chase bug closed minor 2.x
#2216 rencode changes str/unicode types bug closed minor 2.x
#2217 Exception is thrown in gtkui when opening preferences bug closed minor 2.x
#2243 parse hostname bug new minor 2.x
#2247 AttributeError in deluge.error.DaemonRunningError Bro bug closed minor 2.x
#2284 Display to user information about plugins not installed locally feature-request new minor 2.x
#2292 Can't add trackers when creating torrents bug closed minor 2.x
#2320 Directly send torrent-file content to Web UI JSON-RPC add_torrents method Damien Churchill patch new minor 2.1.1
#2330 Deluge uses 10-30% CPU when idle on Windows in classic mode bug new minor 2.x
#2339 logging is incomplete and inconsistent in the web UI back-end bug new minor 2.x
#2341 [win32] Problems installing/enabling plugins with non-ascii username bug reopened minor 2.x
#2398 magnet link details downloaded in 'add torrent' dialog feature-request closed minor 2.0.0
#2400 Torrent isn't auto managed yet stops when reaching ratio 1, refuses to resume (need force start behaviour) OmegaPhil bug closed minor 2.x
#2401 right-click download limit dialog doesnt show whats set Calum bug closed minor 2.x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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