Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#2738 Illegal argument to libtorrent set_max_connections Bro bug closed minor 1.3.13
#1260 Handle redirection better with httpdownloader John Garland feature-request closed major 2.0.0
#1949 Users should be able to set rotate-log settings. feature-request closed major 2.0.0
#1959 Allow user selectable GUI language Bro feature-request closed minor 2.0.0
#1971 Unify Options Handling Calum patch closed minor 2.0.0
#1972 Useless ui.UI class Calum patch closed minor 2.0.0
#1973 Deluge Script does not pass expected arguments to clients. patch closed minor 2.0.0
#1974 Core shouldn't have to know about the clients in advance patch closed minor 2.0.0
#2016 Clean exit verification with state backup Calum feature-request closed minor 2.0.0
#2192 An option to hide the "Owner" list feature-request closed minor 2.0.0
#2249 Multiple SIGINTs to deluged gives ReactorNotRunning: Can't stop reactor that isn't running. Calum bug closed minor 2.0.0
#2755 UnicodeWarning: (download_location" != "move_completed_path" bug closed minor 2.0.0
#1453 If binding to specified network adress fails, daemon defaults back to bug new minor 2.1.1
#1820 Add checks so that deluge-web and webui plugin don't clash bug assigned major 2.x
#2330 Deluge uses 10-30% CPU when idle on Windows in classic mode bug new minor 2.x
#2778 Thin client disconnects from daemon bug new minor needs verified
#1999 WebUI uses 100% CPU loading TorrentInfo for thousands of files Damien Churchill bug new minor performance
#2042 WebUI incredibly slow with 1500 torrents Damien Churchill bug new blocker performance
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.