Custom Query (245 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 245)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#2805 Standalone mode not detecting local running daemon bug closed blocker 2.0.0
#2827 Deluge Wont Start Windows bug closed blocker 2.0.0
#2849 WebUI fails to run without translation MO file Bro bug closed blocker 2.0.0
#2922 libtorrent 1.1 errors Calum bug closed blocker 2.0.0
#2924 not adding torrent files bug closed blocker 2.0.0
#2931 cant add torrents bug closed blocker 2.0.0
#2960 moving file freeze Calum bug closed blocker 2.0.0
#2978 gtk bloking bug closed blocker 2.0.0
#3063 [Plugins] Wont Start or Disable on Windows Calum bug closed blocker 2.0.0
#3085 Unable to launch 2.0 beta 1 on MacOS bug closed blocker 2.1.0
#2121 Rework Deluge towards static incoming port feature-request closed critical 2.0.0
#2850 Double log entries in Standalone Mode bug closed critical 2.0.0
#2928 Problems adding magnets bug closed critical 2.0.0
#3009 Can't Start deluge-console 2.0.0.dev7009 bug closed critical 2.0.0
#3055 not connecting to daemon Calum bug closed critical 2.0.0
#3080 reappearing torrent after removal bug closed critical 2.0.0
#3121 V2 beta Peer ID blocked bug closed critical 2.0.0
#3122 [Notifications]No text in Preferences' tab list DjLegolas bug closed critical 2.0.0
#3183 Closing Daemon causes core.conf to revert to default settings Calum bug closed critical 2.0.0
#459 Option to prioritize "seeding" queue over download queue Calum feature-request closed major 2.0.0
#762 Better Console UI nick feature-request closed major 2.0.0
#1192 Lack of keyboard shortcuts feature-request closed major 2.0.0
#1260 Handle redirection better with httpdownloader John Garland feature-request closed major 2.0.0
#1274 Add multiple users support to the webui Damien Churchill feature-request closed major 2.0.0
#1290 [Execute] plug-in should support more events feature-request closed major 2.0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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