Custom Query (40 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 40)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#10 Dialog for choosing torrent files not that intuitive andar feature-request closed trivial
#282 Add rating as seen in azureus andar plugin-request closed trivial
#25 Brazilian Portuguese translations for Deluge 0.6 andar bug closed minor
#26 Test active port fails andar bug closed minor
#27 daemon restart sets active torrents to paused state andar bug closed minor
#34 hide/show deluge duplicates shown torrents andar bug closed minor
#59 please add a "country" column on "torrent peers" plugin feature-request closed minor
#130 systemtray's "Resume All" fails andar bug closed minor
#146 Peers tab shows duplicate peers when showing country flag andar bug closed minor
#156 Deluge entry in gnome menu andar feature-request closed minor
#185 Be able to enable/disable DHT per torrent (private flag) andar feature-request closed minor Future
#228 'Move Torrent' results in files moving but not saving new location on restart andar bug closed minor
#262 Include ftp support andar feature-request closed minor
#263 can't connect to daemon andar bug closed minor
#267 More statistics Damien Churchill feature-request closed minor
#270 Autoadd feature fails to load torrent andar bug closed minor
#277 Wrong connected seeds markybob bug closed minor
#280 per-torrent setting for "stop seeding when share ratio reaches.." andar feature-request closed minor
#281 Split view for (completed / seeding) and (active / downloading) torrents as in azureus andar feature-request closed minor
#292 clicking the tray icon fails to restore the main window andar bug closed minor
#308 opening a .torrent file from a browser opens a new gtkui andar bug closed minor
#320 NEW PLUGIN: Set torrent marked andar plugin-request closed minor
#23 Specify Download Location/Files in WebUI mvoncken feature-request closed major
#41 A redesign for the "remove torrent" modal dialog window is needed andar bug closed major
#43 gtkui fails to start andar bug closed major
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