Custom Query (121 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 121)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#47 Deluge lost all configuration and torrents when out of disk space. andar bug closed minor
#353 core should check parameter types andar bug closed major
#359 Save/load dht state between sessions andar bug closed major
#362 Use libtorrents session pause/resume instead of the current pause_all,resume_all andar bug closed major
#383 sidebar icons disapear whe Label plugins is enabled mvoncken bug closed minor
#387 torrent checking not working andar bug closed major
#412 wrong state of 'Seedings' after restart andar bug closed major
#414 use async write_resume_data method andar bug closed major
#430 invalid bencoding of tracker response andar bug closed critical
#470 File upload/download starts before blocklist is imported. andar bug closed minor Future
#482 IndexError : list index out of range mvoncken bug closed minor
#497 webui plugin api : templates and images using pkg_resources mvoncken bug closed major
#500 The labels sidebar *needs* a scrollbar. andar bug closed major
#513 files in torrents added by Auto Add are marked as "Do Not Download" andar bug closed minor
#514 white template : highlighting is broken. mvoncken bug closed major
#517 "Traffic" tab in WebUi not working mvoncken bug closed major
#518 Add Torrent window too high for netbook displays (1024x600) andar bug closed major 1.2.0
#519 "seed this torrent" in create torrent should automatically select the right download location markybob bug closed minor
#531 DEBUG logging should not be the default andar bug closed major
#546 [patch] Missing </table> in webui login.html mvoncken bug closed trivial
#547 Deluge needs a descriptive menu entry, rather than just "Deluge" andar bug closed major
#549 Save sidebar width in gtkui after restart andar bug closed major
#552 wrong path to Gentoo svn folder andar bug closed trivial
#553 gentoo svn ebuild doesn't install ajax and white template for webui andar bug closed major
#554 SVN r4060: Right-click -> Openfolder breaks Deluge andar bug closed major
1 2 3 4 5
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.