Custom Query (23 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#3395 deluge-web.service does not work on debian 10 stable based on the official guide bug closed blocker Future
#3010 Hundreds of MB of exception logs bug closed major Future
#3018 error returned to web api wen adding a torrent with a label that has many torrents (500+) bug new major Future
#3020 Deluge Doesn't Save Default Download Directory bug closed major Future
#3064 Deluge Web TLS not working with certificate chains bug closed major Future
#3124 deluge-gtk crash when connected to remote server Calum bug closed major Future
#3194 won't download new torrents using autoadd bug closed major Future
#3231 Changing priority behaves strangely. bug closed major Future
#3232 Migrate to libtorrent-1.2 DjLegolas bug closed major Future
#3302 Deluge tries to login with empty credentials bug new major Future
#2980 New torrents not getting location settings properly applied bug reopened minor Future
#3039 Preference window doesn't open Calum bug closed minor Future
#3041 Execute plugin fails when filename contains two consecutive spaces bug closed minor Future
#3044 Restarting deluged via systemd causes errornous torrents bug closed minor Future
#3066 update DHT bootstrap nodes feature-request closed minor Future
#3070 [Plugin] [Blocklist] Exception: list index out of range bug closed minor Future
#3075 config command not handling windows paths bug closed minor Future
#3079 Error using curly braces in password Calum bug closed minor Future
#3112 Setting peer TOS from deluge console is different from setting Peer TOS from WebUI bug closed minor Future
#3130 Use another icon name for tray feature-request closed minor Future
#3159 Random crashes (could be realted to libtorrent alerts code) bug closed minor Future
#3221 An option to specify move_competed folder with add command feature-request closed minor Future
#3227 Download links (.torrent) do not fit in the right folders created. bug closed minor Future
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.