Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#601 White window ! andar bug closed blocker
#446 "Delete at ratio" and the ratio spinner are not grayed out when "stop at ratio" is unchecked in the options tab andar bug closed major
#475 1.0.5, crash on init, unicode folder name andar bug closed major
#502 association in vista doesnt work markybob bug closed major
#508 Selecting "Other..." as download directory doesnt work andar bug closed major
#528 Deluge does not remember its GUI settings on Gnome andar bug closed major
#543 UPnP fails to establish port mappings in version 1.0.2 andar bug closed major
#577 Drag and drop not working. andar bug closed major
#611 UPNP failing with Netgear WPN824v2 andar bug closed major
#612 UPNP failing with Netgear WPN824v2 andar bug closed major
#622 Russian translation admin feature-request closed major
#631 Deluge does not support HTTPS trackers andar feature-request closed major
#503 Changes to to workaround broken boost packages markybob bug closed minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.