Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#633 Deluge freezes and all torrents disappear andar bug closed major 1.3
#471 Deluge exits GUI when selecting torrent in the list andar bug closed major
#535 Gtk GUI does not remember list columns position and size markybob bug closed minor
#790 Incorrect tracker names in 'Tracker' column for 3rd-level domain names andar bug closed minor
#814 High CPU usage on large torrents andar bug closed critical
#815 Checking Queue still stuck. andar bug closed minor
#816 Overall poorness of the WebUI mvoncken feature-request closed major
#818 recheck torrent while in progress causes daemon crash andar bug closed major
#822 error deluge 1.1.3 can't start andar bug closed major
#831 Deluge broken by new python packages in Jaunty andar bug closed blocker
#833 uPnP doesn't work with DLink router andar bug closed major
#834 Could not access web interface andar bug closed major
#914 Shutdown andar feature-request closed major
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.