Custom Query (233 matches)


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Results (26 - 50 of 233)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Status: closed (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2321 tracker_status improvements (inc translate status in client not core) bug minor Core other (please specify)
#2775 torrents.state not created for fresh install bug minor Core develop
#1000 Torrent should be automatically selected for Statistics display andar feature-request trivial GTK UI
#2562 TiB instead of GiB for large HD's feature-request minor Core other (please specify)
#2769 The process for uploading a torrent file in the Web-UI could be streamlined. feature-request minor Web UI develop
#2789 Test for google tracker icon redirect is failing bug minor Core develop
#1833 tab completion should escape spaces feature-request minor Console UI master
#2920 Support lt 1.1 new settings/methods feature-request major Core develop
#1903 Super Seeding Calum feature-request trivial Core
#2291 Stop seed at ratio not respected with GUI closed bug minor Core develop
#2846 Status Bar External Address IPv6 Support Calum bug minor Core develop
#2947 [Stats] AttributeError: 'Graph' object has no attribute 'stats' bug minor GTK UI develop
#2909 Startup not selecting first torrentview row in Standalone mode bug minor GTK UI develop
#2979 Startup error when deluge-web not installed bug minor GTK UI develop
#2805 Standalone mode not detecting local running daemon bug blocker GTK UI develop
#2246 Speedup set_prioritize_first_last in patch minor Core master
#2250 Speedup removing multiple torrents from core Bro patch minor Core develop
#2406 Speed up adding multiple torrents Bro patch minor Core develop
#2184 Speed optimizations to the torrentview in GTKUI patch minor GTK UI master
#2255 Speed optimizations to the daemon patch minor Core master
#2285 Speed optimizations to sessionproxy patch minor Unknown master
#2814 Speed drops while generating resume data Bro bug major Core 1.3.12
#1294 Skip Hash Check - Seed Mode feature-request major Core master
#2704 Shutdown results in KeyError: 'SystemTray' Bro bug major GTK UI develop
#3037 Show creator field in torrent details UI Calum feature-request minor Core 1.3.13
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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