Custom Query (233 matches)


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Results (51 - 75 of 233)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Status: closed (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1389 " install" puts icons and .desktop file into wrong place under Ubuntu 10.10 bug trivial Packaging
#958 Search by name in torrent list andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#1868 Search box into toolbar feature-request minor GTK UI other (please specify)
#1380 [Scheduler] web UI Interface Damien Churchill patch minor Plugin 1.3.0
#2161 Save torrent files from magnet links feature-request minor Core 1.3.5
#2121 Rework Deluge towards static incoming port feature-request critical Core other (please specify)
#3247 Replace deprecated platform.linux_distribution() function DjLegolas feature-request minor Core develop
#2244 Replace daemon profiler (hotshot) with cprofile patch minor Core master
#3246 rencode.loads() error bug major Core develop
#1367 Renaming Files in WebUI Damien Churchill feature-request minor Web UI 1.3.0
#2966 Rename deprecated unittest methods bug trivial Core develop
#1859 "Remove torrent" action in GTK GUI is error prone and should be split in two Calum feature-request minor GTK UI 1.3.1
#2133 Remove port randomization to avoid polluting DHT Calum bug major Core 1.3-stable
#495 remove methods made obsolete by set_torrent_options Calum feature-request minor Core develop
#3189 Refactor HTTPDownloader to Agent DjLegolas feature-request minor Core develop
#491 Rechecking indefinitely when external disk is not available andar bug minor Core 1.2.3
#930 Recently used folders to move storage Calum feature-request minor GTK UI
#3080 reappearing torrent after removal bug critical Core develop
#2499 Queue position "Up" and "Down" keyboard shortcuts / keybindings feature-request trivial GTK UI 1.3.7
#2475 pylint plus updates patch minor Core develop
#2797 Pylint Console UI code bug trivial Console UI develop
#3205 Prune oldest state archive bug minor Core develop
#1451 Proxy support for http connections feature-request minor Core
#637 Progress bar for "move storage" andar feature-request minor Core
#2928 Problems adding magnets bug critical GTK UI develop
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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