Custom Query (233 matches)


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Results (101 - 125 of 233)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Status: closed (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2821 [GtkUI] AttributeError starting GtkUI on windows bug major GTK UI develop
#2802 GTKUI classic mode shutdown procedure is broken Bro bug major GTK UI develop
#2701 [gtk-ui] Move Download Folder cancel button doesn't work (move_storage_dialog) Bro bug minor GTK UI develop
#2927 [GTKUI] Speed Limit Display Doesnt Update bug minor GTK UI develop
#1260 Handle redirection better with httpdownloader John Garland feature-request major Core develop
#2819 Handle second instance of WebUI nicely bug trivial Web UI develop
#1840 Implement last seen complete [Torrent Status] s0undt3ch patch minor Core master
#2477 Incorrect number of torrents being shown bug minor GTK UI develop
#2848 Incorrect share ratio in torrent status bug minor Core 1.3.6
#1261 IPv6 support in RPC feature-request minor Core
#2724 JSON-RPC not forwarding exceptions/errors causing browser to time-out on calls bug major Web UI 1.3.11
#3071 KeyError in core bug minor Core develop
#3003 Label plugin adding multiple right-click menu entries bug major Plugin develop
#1192 Lack of keyboard shortcuts feature-request major Unknown 1.1.9
#2922 libtorrent 1.1 errors Calum bug blocker Core develop
#3043 libtorrent 1.1 win build instructions bug minor Packaging 1.3.15
#2915 [LIBTORRENT] Deluge Shows Negative Peers Connected bug minor libtorrent develop
#2056 List torrent explicitly in "Remove the selected torrent" message Calum feature-request minor GTK UI
#2882 load_country_db was removed from python bindings bug minor libtorrent 1.3.12
#1119 logging doesn't work with deluge-console because of ncurses nick feature-request minor Console UI 1.2.0_dev
#2122 lt1.6: Now supports port re-use via two simple flags Calum bug minor Core other (please specify)
#2195 [lt.sess.set.ssl_listen] An option to disable the bittorrent SSL port feature-request minor Core master
#2398 magnet link details downloaded in 'add torrent' dialog feature-request minor GTK UI other (please specify)
#2702 markup like <br/> in torrent comments -> harmless? error message bug minor GTK UI develop
#2919 Merge I2P settings into proxy for UIs feature-request minor GTK UI develop
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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