Custom Query (233 matches)


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Results (176 - 200 of 233)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Status: closed (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3053 Copy non-minified js to build if slimit missing DjLegolas bug trivial Packaging develop
#3002 Convert Deluge Plugins to GtkBuilder DjLegolas feature-request trivial Plugin develop
#1925 Console UI exposes autoadd configuration bug minor Console (new ncurses) develop
#3185 Console-ui deferred error. bug minor Console UI develop
#2708 Console KeyError: 'progress' bug minor Console (new ncurses) develop
#2099 console does not support monochrome terminals Calum bug minor Console UI 1.3.5
#1858 [console] Add command 'manage' to show/set per-torrent options Calum patch minor Console UI 1.3-stable
#2813 Connection Manager Showing Daemon Offline On First Start bug major GTK UI develop
#2914 Config migration, file format and default config bug minor Core develop
#1354 Command ui-interface for deluge-web Damien Churchill feature-request major Web UI 1.2.3
#3183 Closing Daemon causes core.conf to revert to default settings Calum bug critical Core develop
#2016 Clean exit verification with state backup Calum feature-request minor Core 1.3.3
#2520 Change queue description for seeding Calum feature-request minor GTK UI other (please specify)
#2225 Change common.decode_string to actually decode (return unicode) patch minor Unknown master
#3009 Can't Start deluge-console 2.0.0.dev7009 bug critical Console UI develop
#3076 Can't Remove Torrent Using Console "global name '_n' is not defined" bug major Console UI develop
#3084 Cant change ownship on torrents bug minor Core develop
#2931 cant add torrents bug blocker GTK UI develop
#2405 Bump minimum libtorrent version to at least 0.16.12 Calum bug major Core other (please specify)
#2926 Bug in torrent.get_peers bug minor Core develop
#2510 Bug in type checking patch minor Core develop
#1382 [Blocklist] Whitelist IPs in the filter list s0undt3ch feature-request minor Plugin master
#3127 Blocklist doesn't load block file bug minor Plugin develop
#2478 [Blocklist] Add WebUI plugin page Luis Omar Alvarez Mures feature-request minor Plugin 1.3.6
#762 Better Console UI nick feature-request major Console UI
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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