Custom Query (207 matches)


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Results (101 - 125 of 207)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2462 Edit Trackers Option bug minor GTK UI develop
#2463 AutoAdd bug minor Plugin develop
#2464 Unable to add a tracker in CreateTorrentDialog bug minor GTK UI develop
#2465 Torrentview showing download rate of another torrent on a paused torrent bug minor GTK UI develop
#2468 [AutoAdd] Idle CPU usage bug major Plugin develop
#2469 [Win32] Pyopenssl 0.14 missing module Calum bug minor Packaging develop
#2474 Replace add_torrent with async_add_torrent patch minor Core develop
#2479 module' object has no attribute 'json iZeus83 bug minor Web UI develop
#2733 : on_alert_performance - UnicodeDecodeError bug minor Core develop
#2760 [win32] Use winsound instead of pygame for notification sound bug minor Plugin develop
#2837 WebUI gettext created in at build time DjLegolas feature-request minor Web UI develop
#2943 slimit bug blocker Unknown develop
#3119 "Open" on "Files" tab context menu locks up GTK UI bug minor GTK UI develop

Status: new (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1212 Pause all torrents & auto resume after timeout feature-request major Unknown
#3447 Use another translation platform feature-request major Translations
#230 Drag 'n' drop reorder of torrents for download queue andar feature-request minor GTK UI
#367 Do not store per-torrent settings that are saved in the resume data andar feature-request trivial Core
#676 Add tooltips for torrents in the main frame andar feature-request trivial GTK UI
#1108 Abstract unlimited speed setting feature-request trivial GTK UI
#1277 Queueing Options in the Add Torrent dialog feature-request trivial GTK UI
#1329 Color of icon when announce request on tracker failed feature-request minor GTK UI
#1541 [Label] Default label option feature-request minor Plugin
#1557 [Label] Drop-down for labels in Add-Torrent options dialog feature-request minor Plugin
#2234 Folllow freedesktop specs for files created/stored by Deluge bug trivial Core other (please specify)
#2334 Add option to GTK UI to startup application with OS feature-request trivial GTK UI other (please specify)
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Batch Modify
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