Custom Query (417 matches)


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Results (226 - 250 of 417)

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Status: new (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3047 False warning logging regarding geoip resolution bug minor Core 1.3.15
#3287 [Feature Request] Add a progressbar of transfer when using the Move Storage option on big files feature-request minor Unknown 1.3.15
#3098 [Feature Request][Queue] Batch re-number selected torrents from current ordering feature-request minor Unknown
#3188 Feature Request: Sort torrents by date completed feature-request minor Core 1.3.15
#3099 [Feature Request] Torrent priority feature-request minor Unknown other (please specify)
#3618 File-priority 'skip' sometimes ignored. bug minor Core develop
#2955 File/protocol association fails with non-default client data path bug major Unknown 1.3.13
#3120 files in complete directory ignored during re-check bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#3335 finished seeding torrents only removed when UI is activated bug minor Unknown 2.0.5
#3343 Fire the TorrentStorageMovedEvent when appropriate feature-request trivial Core develop
#3103 Force Recheck doesn't recheck for new files bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#3606 Force re-check individual files feature-request minor Unknown 2.0.5
#3157 Force use of HTTPS for trackers bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#3349 get_clipboard_text:TypeError bug minor Unknown 2.0.3
#3357 get_torrents_status does not return plugin keys bug minor Core 2.0.0
#2893 Global upload bandwidth limit ignored when using SOCKS5 proxy bug minor Unknown 1.3.13
#2509 GTK-GUI/Core ignore Torrent-Connection-Limit sets under 10 bug minor Unknown 1.3.7
#3146 GTKUI hangs indefinitely when starting local daemon in connection manager while connected to a remote daemon bug major GTK UI 1.3.15
#2995 GTK UI loose connection with daemon bug major GTK UI 1.3.14
#3299 gtkui - spin_share_ratio min clamps to 0.5, should be 0.0 bug minor GTK UI master
#2859 How do I increase UI font size? bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#2894 HTTP 400 ys-torrentGrid cookie is too large feature-request major Web UI 1.3.13
#3616 HTTP Connect should use tracker domains instead of IP bug minor libtorrent 2.1.0
#3426 Implement support for IPv6 only networks feature-request minor Unknown 2.0.0
#3494 improved usability for thin client with intermittent connection to daemon feature-request minor Unknown 2.0.0
(more results for this group on next page)
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.