Custom Query (417 matches)


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Results (76 - 100 of 417)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Status: closed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3270 Unable to register on the forum bug critical Unknown 2.0.0
#3275 Contact info of forum admin bug major Unknown
#3297 deluged pid adds extra number bug minor Unknown 2.0.3
#3361 Deluge 2.0.3 crashes on fedora 31 bug critical Unknown 2.0.0
#3381 ubuntu 20.04 ppa bug blocker Unknown develop
#3401 Website SSL error in download-section. bug minor Unknown 2.0.0
#3488 Some requests: Donation, Flathub download feature-request minor Unknown develop
#3490 Deluge cannot start - No JSON object could be decoded bug major Unknown 1.3.15
#2806 webui not working bug major Web UI develop
#2824 Adding torrents from file or url web gui feature-request minor Web UI other (please specify)
#2825 Deluge Web UI Issues bug minor Web UI other (please specify)
#2836 webui returns blank page when used with --base bug major Web UI develop
#2851 Assign label in WebUI plugin-request minor Web UI 1.3.12
#2865 WebUI CPU usage goes to 100% on one core of the processor after a few days with Deluge 1.3.13 - Arch Linux bug minor Web UI other (please specify)
#2932 Cannot set label via WebUI bug major Web UI 1.3.13
#2971 deluge-web and deluge-gtk refuse to connect to a daemon which has autoadd_enable set to true bug minor Web UI 1.3.13
#3054 1 slow torrent makes all torrents slow bug critical Web UI other (please specify)
#3060 webserver not starting bug critical Web UI develop
#3432 Cannot create account, cannot send message on #help in irc bug minor Web UI 2.0.0

Status: new (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2897 Start deluge-console with connection to remote daemon feature-request minor Console UI 1.3.10
#2987 deluge-console help config <setting> feature-request minor Console UI other (please specify)
#3131 desktop window is not visible bug major Console UI other (please specify)
#3161 1.x GUI hard crash bug major Console UI 1.3.15
#3191 Some errors in console-UI. bug minor Console UI develop
#3237 Column layout not saving bug minor Console UI 1.3.15
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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