Custom Query (417 matches)


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Results (201 - 225 of 417)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Status: new (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3242 Plugin for filtering/searching files inside a torrent plugin-request minor Unknown other (please specify)
#3422 Plugin: Auto-skimmer for 'Sample' and 'Screens' folders plugin-request minor Unknown 2.0.0
#3234 Peers tab column width not saving bug trivial GTK UI 1.3.15
#3613 password asked after upgrade to 2.1.2.dev0 bug major Core develop
#3117 Parallel programmatic adding of torrents causes torrents to be skipped bug minor GTK UI other (please specify)
#2963 Opening ports but refusing to use. bug major Unknown 1.3.13
#3315 Open Folder option shows me the folder where the file is, but the file is not selected. feature-request minor GTK UI 1.3.15
#3336 Only n<7 torrents ever seed at the same time. bug major Core 2.0.3
#2998 Offer previously defined custom download and upload speed limits feature-request minor Web UI other (please specify)
#3365 no tracker/dht connected behind nat linked with >=libtorrent-1.2.4 bug minor libtorrent develop
#3382 Notifications-0.3: improve smtplib.SMTP.sendmail() error logging patch minor Plugin 2.0.3
#3379 Notifications-0.3/...:CoreNotifications._on_torrent_finished_event(): KeyError exception due to incorrect call to torrent.get_status() bug minor Plugin 2.0.3
#3402 Not downloading bug minor Web UI 2.0.3
#2949 Not connecting to newly added peer bug minor libtorrent 1.3.12
#3537 Non-ascii state loading fail. bug minor Core develop
#2830 No Error Message When Download Directory Lacks Write Permissoin bug minor Unknown 1.3.12
#3630 New (active) goes to the "Paused" list bug minor GTK UI 2.1.0
#3344 network interface bind, wildcard bug minor Core 1.3.15
#3256 need help setting up bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#3371 [Naotification plugin] Broken notifications bug minor Plugin 2.0.3
#3575 Multi-selected torrent changes all fields, even unedited ones bug minor GTK UI 2.1.0
#2833 multiple torrents with overlapping folder structures lose incomplete files when 1st torrent completes bug major Unknown 1.3.15
#3028 Moving torrent corrupts torrent pieces bug minor Unknown other (please specify)
#3277 Moving a finished download deletes higher-level folder bug minor Unknown 2.0.3
#3145 Move Storage context menu does not apply to all selected torrents bug minor GTK UI 1.3.15
(more results for this group on next page)
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