Custom Query (135 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 135)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2215 100% CPU utilization more 200+ torrents new Damien Churchill feature-request minor performance
#1206 Add a session upload-only mode new feature-request minor 2.x
#1166 Add a unix socket for the daemon new andar feature-request major Future
#3609 Add a way to query daemon RPC protocol version new feature-request minor needs verified
#659 Added pam fallback to authentication new andar patch major Future
#1471 Add PAM authentification to Deluged new patch minor Future
#1827 Add support for 'Do Not Download' part files assigned Calum feature-request minor 2.x
#1309 Add torrent added, torrent complete, etc. to info log level assigned Calum feature-request trivial Future
#3507 AddTorrentError not handled in RPCserver new bug minor needs verified
#1092 Add torrents with different hashes but identical files new andar feature-request major Future
#1165 "Add webseed" option new John Garland feature-request minor Future
#3516 argument type mismatch for function move_storage new bug major needs verified
#3290 artificial bandwidth limit if max_download_speed set to -1.0 new bug minor needs verified
#3230 Automatic file recheck option on startup new feature-request critical 2.x
#2410 Auto sub-folder creation new feature-request minor Future
#3128 Bad charset encoding in "tracker state" field new bug minor 2.x
#3569 Blocked on Windows 11 by Smart App Control new feature-request minor needs verified
#2209 [BlockList] blocklist ignored on startup assigned bug minor Future
#3567 Bug in Deluge 2.1.1 new bug critical 2.1.1
#3398 builtins.TypeError: _findCaller() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given new bug minor needs verified
#3427 builtins.UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 0: invalid continuation byte -- version 2.0.4.dev38+g23a48dd01-2 new bug critical needs verified
#2703 Check existing files before renaming a file to prevent clobber new feature-request major 2.x
#3106 Checking with large hash size causes OOM condition new bug critical needs verified
#956 Client account creation with permissions new andar feature-request minor Future
#2154 "copy of .torrent" there is no error when specified location is unavailable new bug minor 2.x
1 2 3 4 5 6
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.