Custom Query (148 matches)


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Results (101 - 125 of 148)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1337 Possibility to copy magnet link assigned Calum feature-request major 2.x
#1080 Preferences dialog clean-up new andar feature-request major Future
#3456 Preferences dialogue inaccessible new bug minor needs verified
#3312 Prefetch-metadata fails on GTKUI thin-client. new bug minor needs verified
#3592 Pressing the down button on "Move Complete Folder" crashes GTK new bug minor needs verified
#3033 Priority should appear on directories if descendants have the same one new feature-request minor 2.x
#3574 Progress bar inverts when selected in dark mode, so unclear new bug minor needs verified
#3021 Progress bar is not showing properly. pending bug minor needs verified
#3051 Provide download function in deluge-gtk new feature-request minor needs verified
#1277 Queueing Options in the Add Torrent dialog new feature-request trivial 2.x
#623 Remember sorting column used for each label new andar feature-request trivial Future
#3111 remote deluged instance with bad connectivity causes "<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>: 'gtk.TreeIter' object has no attribute '__getitem__'" new bug minor needs verified
#3115 Renaming a subfolder to contain another subfolder leads to GTK client desync new bug minor needs verified
#3031 Resetting or hiding file priority of finished downloads new feature-request minor 2.x
#3133 Running deluge-gtk over ssh with X forwarding doesn't allow ssh logout after deluge-gtk is closed new bug minor needs verified
#3407 'Saved Paths' popup crashes deluge on Wayland reopened bug major not applicable
#3139 Selecting update tracker does nothing new bug minor needs verified
#578 Setting download directory for multiple torrents should be easier. reopened andar feature-request trivial Future
#880 Set urgent hint on completion of tasks new andar feature-request trivial Future
#3405 "show_piecesbar" : triggers segmentation fault if not running "deluge debug" new bug minor needs verified
#698 Show reason why connection failed to daemon reopened andar feature-request major Future
#3551 Show Time in 'Added' and 'Completed' columns. new feature-request minor needs verified
#860 Sound notification with mp3/ogg files new andar feature-request minor needs verified
#3579 Standalone Mode GTK UI Sidebar becomes unresponsive within hours new bug major needs verified
#3482 Starting Deluge results in a message box stating that Deluge cannot run in consolidated mode, only in thin mode new bug blocker needs verified
1 2 3 4 5 6
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.