Custom Query (86 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 86)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3639 Localized date format new feature-request minor needs verified
#3637 WebUI should not ask for password when it is null new bug minor needs verified
#3635 [WebUI] language not changing when chaning to system default new bug minor 2.1.2
#3633 allow bypass local addresses for webui authentication new feature-request minor Future
#3619 [Web API] Empty response adding a duplicate torrent new bug minor needs verified
#3612 'Install-plugin' broken in web-UI new bug minor needs verified
#3611 v2.1.1 not allowing new torrent to be saved new bug major needs verified
#3594 Web UI can only connect to one daemon at a time but shows both daemon's torrents new bug minor needs verified
#3590 autoadd-plugin "add" window behaviour new bug major needs verified
#3584 Right-Click Workaround on Mobile Browsers new bug minor needs verified
#3556 local-dependent date format in the web interface new bug minor needs verified
#3536 Add ability to choose themes for all UIs new feature-request minor 2.1.1
#3535 web.conf base configuration not respected. Documented reverse proxy config only works by accidental misconfiguration. new bug major needs verified
#3517 Public IP seen and error new bug critical needs verified
#3485 Connnot stop/start daemon from Web-UI new bug trivial needs verified
#3481 deluge-web's password field has broken-looking focus outline, in Firefox, due to UA-string-sniffing new bug minor needs verified
#3464 connection to the webserver has been lost! new bug minor needs verified
#3463 New geoip discussion new feature-request minor 2.x
#3460 XSS via malicious .torrent file new bug major needs verified
#3459 XSS via malicious .torrent file new bug major 2.1.1
#3453 Web UI is freezing on Safari when selecting a torrent new bug minor needs verified
#3436 web dark theme support new feature-request minor needs verified
#3402 Not downloading new bug minor needs verified
#3397 search by name in webui new bug minor needs verified
#3391 Unable to sort by 'Complete seen' or 'Completed' new bug minor needs verified
1 2 3 4
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