Custom Query (86 matches)


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Results (26 - 50 of 86)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2502 [Extract] Uncompress feature, similar to rtorrent unpack new feature-request minor 2.x
#3166 Failed to upload torrent using webUI in chrome new bug major needs verified
#3013 Firefox doesn't offer to store deluge-web password new feature-request minor 2.x
#2253 Handle torrent add failures in web UI reopened Damien Churchill bug major 2.x
#2894 HTTP 400 ys-torrentGrid cookie is too large new feature-request major needs verified
#1316 Implement file/folder renaming in Web UI assigned Damien Churchill feature-request major 2.x
#1950 Improve appearance on small screens new Damien Churchill feature-request minor Future
#2749 improve input for seeding relation new bug minor 2.x
#1391 Improve queue changing performance new Damien Churchill feature-request major 2.x
#3612 'Install-plugin' broken in web-UI new bug minor needs verified
#3321 Invalid continuation byte new bug minor needs verified
#1097 Javascript code lacks doc strings/comments new Damien Churchill feature-request trivial Future
#2090 json api get_hosts returns status Offline for all hosts new Damien Churchill bug trivial 2.x
#3556 local-dependent date format in the web interface new bug minor needs verified
#3639 Localized date format new feature-request minor needs verified
#2339 logging is incomplete and inconsistent in the web UI back-end new bug minor 2.x
#2119 Make webui able to immediately process specific magnet links through HTTP GET new Damien Churchill feature-request minor Future
#2047 Multi-Edit trackers assigned Calum feature-request major 2.x
#1271 Multi-user extension assigned Damien Churchill feature-request major 2.x
#3463 New geoip discussion new feature-request minor 2.x
#3308 New webapi with interactive docs (swagger-ui) new feature-request minor 2.x
#3402 Not downloading new bug minor needs verified
#2998 Offer previously defined custom download and upload speed limits new feature-request minor needs verified
#2454 Plugin frame work only allows script resources, no CSS or images new feature-request minor 2.1.1
#2239 Plugins without webui pages generate a typeerror new Damien Churchill bug trivial 2.x
1 2 3 4
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