Custom Query (678 matches)


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Results (226 - 250 of 678)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#2897 Start deluge-console with connection to remote daemon new feature-request minor
#2898 deluged-1.3.13/libtorrent-1.1.0 messes up torrent directory names new bug minor
#2903 Torrent List Does not properly update new UI Update bug minor
#2910 Noticable delay between loading torrentview and sidebar upon startup new bug trivial
#2911 Use less versbose units in UIs new feature-request minor
#2916 Improve Console help dialog new bug minor
#2917 Improve console sidebar display and actions new feature-request minor
#2918 Extra startup options for console new feature-request minor
#2921 Prefs Manager refactor do_config_set_func new feature-request minor
#2923 create translation files for develop new feature-request minor
#2929 Extractor updating config even with no change new bug major
#2930 Potential issue with using inspect in log.get_plugin_logger new bug major
#2933 deluge-console create a torrent from the command line new feature-request major
#2935 language new bug minor
#2949 Not connecting to newly added peer new bug minor
#2954 blocklist false positive new bug minor
#2955 File/protocol association fails with non-default client data path new client bug major
#2958 Ignore torrents until active new feature-request trivial
#2959 Language selection in WebUI affects GTKUI new bug trivial
#2963 Opening ports but refusing to use. new port, network bug major
#2969 Provide feedback in deluge-web at daemon connection attempts new bug minor
#2972 deluge-web and deluge-gtk refuse to connect to a daemon which has autoadd_enable set to true new bug minor
#2974 Open connection manager in WebUI new bug trivial
#2975 Don't open connections to web seeds when not downloading new connections webseed bug minor
#2982 Seeding ratio doesn't take into account what it should new bug minor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.