Custom Query (678 matches)


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Results (351 - 375 of 678)

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3430 Limit storage usage plugin new Limit, storage, plugin plugin-request minor
#3011 Listen to WM_ENDSESSION on Windows new feature-request minor
#679 List of previously used Tracker Announce urls new andar feature-request trivial
#3305 little space for folder selection new bug minor
#3556 local-dependent date format in the web interface new bug minor
#3331 Localization on mac new I18n gettext libintl locale translation bug minor
#3639 Localized date format new feature-request minor
#2339 logging is incomplete and inconsistent in the web UI back-end new bug minor
#2257 [lt.sess_set.active_*] Allow setting of active_dht_limit, active_tracker_limit and active_lsd_limit. Fix bugs. new patch major
#1384 [lt.sess_set.announce_ip] Add option to specify tracker announce_ip assigned Calum patch minor
#1677 [lt.sess_set.apply_ip_filter_to_trackers] Add option to apply ip filter only to seeds/peers new feature-request minor
#2115 [lt.sess_set.enable_*ing_tcp] uTP bandwidth management new uTP feature-request minor
#2059 [lt.sess_set.tracker_backoff] Add support for libtorrent tracker_backoff option assigned tracker, update, aggressive, timeout, time-out feature-request major
#3158 Mac .app forgets all hosts when password contains brace new bug minor
#3238 MacOS: Deluge hangs when clicking on link within about window new bug minor
#3253 macOS GdkQuartzWindow set timestamp new bug minor
#3563 MacOS - Non-standard behaviour with Mission Control new MacOS bug minor
#2896 [MacOS] Problems with close action to system tray menu and dock new bug minor
#626 Maintain ratio for torrent above set level new seeding ratio andar feature-request trivial
#3406 make combobox_window resizable new feature-request minor
#2119 Make webui able to immediately process specific magnet links through HTTP GET new Damien Churchill feature-request minor
#3542 mako should be an optional dependency new dependencies, webui, mako feature-request minor
#2873 managing multiple daemons new feature-request minor
#3176 Marking file as "Do Not Download" does not prevent download new Priority bug major
#3561 massively parallel "recheck" operations perform far below system optimum new recheck, batch, parallel bug minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.