Custom Query (678 matches)


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Results (351 - 375 of 678)

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3545 Label plugin doesn't remove deleted torrent mappings new bug minor
#3546 Deluge-console fails on windows. new bug minor
#3547 deluge-web error related to GeoIP new bug minor
#3548 Torrent files with Macintosh (CR) EOL encoding cause errors new bug major
#3549 deluge-console add not adding torrent filenames with embedded spaces new console add torrent bug minor
#3550 unable to register forum account new bug minor
#3556 local-dependent date format in the web interface new bug minor
#3557 queue values strangely applied new bug minor
#3560 Windows Installer lacks DisplayVersion Registry entry new windows installer bug minor
#3561 massively parallel "recheck" operations perform far below system optimum new recheck, batch, parallel bug minor
#3563 MacOS - Non-standard behaviour with Mission Control new MacOS bug minor
#3564 deluged is using 100% new twisted bug minor
#3565 deluged hangs spamming logs with "Logging.findCaller() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given" new twisted bug critical
#3567 Bug in Deluge 2.1.1 new bug critical
#3568 Deluge - Why so slow? new bug minor
#3570 UDP tracker announce failures new bug major
#3571 torrents get lost new bug critical
#3572 torrents added when disconnected are lost new disconnect, thin client, added, forgotten bug minor
#3573 Added torrent doesn't show after client starts new bug minor
#3574 Progress bar inverts when selected in dark mode, so unclear new bug minor
#3575 Multi-selected torrent changes all fields, even unedited ones new bug minor
#3577 Deluge tray icon not showing after closing new bug minor
#3579 Standalone Mode GTK UI Sidebar becomes unresponsive within hours new bug major
#3580 'Move completed' still executed when turned off new bug minor
#3583 Libtorrent I2P Support new I2P bug minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.