Custom Query (678 matches)


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Results (376 - 400 of 678)

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3074 Deluged stopped working on debian, "FFI object has no attribute 'new_allocator'" new debian jessie openssl deluged bug major
#3069 [AutoAdd] Log spamming new bug minor
#3061 WebAPITestCase.test_add_host failing intermittently on travis new bug minor
#3057 Travis test fails to handle existing daemon running on 58900 new bug minor
#3052 Further improvements for icons new feature-request trivial
#3051 Provide download function in deluge-gtk new feature-request minor
#3049 msys/mingw deluge install on Windows new windows, mingw feature-request trivial
#3048 Deluge crashes on large torrent new bug major
#3047 False warning logging regarding geoip resolution new bug minor
#3046 Trackerless/DHT torrents' peers only updated after restart of deluged or adding new torrent new bug minor
#3045 Increase issue report attachement max size new bug minor
#3042 Add tags to or mark torrents new feature-request minor
#3035 Extractor issues with .rar archives of the same name that have a Subs folder reopened HollowMan bug major
#3033 Priority should appear on directories if descendants have the same one new feature-request minor
#3032 Ctrl+a should not select root directory in file tab new bug minor
#3031 Resetting or hiding file priority of finished downloads new feature-request minor
#3030 All torrents are paused new bug minor
#3028 Moving torrent corrupts torrent pieces new bug minor
#3026 System slowdown new System slow down Molcos74 bug major
#3025 Torrent progress raises and decreases with specified torrent new bug minor
#3024 Reuse already transferred segments from other torrents new feature-request minor
#3023 Deluge Multi-Localuser new bug minor
#3021 Progress bar is not showing properly. pending Progressbar bug minor
#3018 error returned to web api wen adding a torrent with a label that has many torrents (500+) new bug major
#3016 Attempting to open a deleted torrent file from Firefox causes GUI lockup by dialog box spamming. new gui,ui,ux,windowing bug minor
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.