Custom Query (679 matches)


Show under each result:

Results (401 - 425 of 679)

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3236 Bad argument error using a magnet link new bug minor
#3237 Column layout not saving new bug minor
#3238 MacOS: Deluge hangs when clicking on link within about window new bug minor
#3239 Allow wildcards in console new Wildcard console feature-request minor
#3240 Add argument for progress new Console progress feature-request minor
#3241 Using the move file to completed folder on map drive creates new folder structure in target new bug major
#3242 Plugin for filtering/searching files inside a torrent new plugin-request minor
#3243 Tray icon issue without libappindicator new statusicon, tray icon bug trivial
#3249 Queued! new bug minor
#3251 Closing Deluge message: gtk_notebook_get_tab_label: assertion new bug trivial
#3252 Replace deprecated pkg_resources new bug minor
#3253 macOS GdkQuartzWindow set timestamp new bug minor
#3254 Migrate Windows version stamping new feature-request minor
#3255 Migrate core to libtorrent-1.2 new patch major
#3256 need help setting up new bug minor
#3258 Use app id for GTKUI new bug minor
#3259 Create macOS app package (Py3-GTK3) new feature-request major
#3263 Create multiple SINGLE FILE torrents new feature-request minor
#3268 Release checklist update and fix unlinked URL new bug minor
#3273 Document change in the peer id format new bug minor
#3274 Error: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request new bug minor
#3276 System quota support new quota, free_space feature-request minor
#3277 Moving a finished download deletes higher-level folder new bug minor
#3283 Authentication Failure new bug major
#3285 UnicodeDecodeError in torrents.state new bug minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.