Custom Query (678 matches)


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Results (576 - 600 of 678)

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3048 Deluge crashes on large torrent new bug major
#3074 Deluged stopped working on debian, "FFI object has no attribute 'new_allocator'" new debian jessie openssl deluged bug major
#3092 Web GUI disconnection from daemon during torrent removal new bug major
#3094 Moving files to a folder removes files if they have been moved to the same folder earlier new bug major
#3100 64 bit version new 64 bit feature-request major
#3110 Tabs in OS X breaks Deluge layout new UI, layout, tabs bug major
#3131 desktop window is not visible new bug major
#3132 cant add torrents new bug major
#3135 Adding a large number of invalid torrents causes GTK client to freeze new bug major
#3146 GTKUI hangs indefinitely when starting local daemon in connection manager while connected to a remote daemon new bug major
#3155 [Security] [Feature request] Use HTTPS for Deluge binaries, source, and web registration page new https, encryption, security, feature request feature-request major
#3160 share torents new bug major
#3161 1.x GUI hard crash new bug major
#3163 Read Cache size new cache bug major
#3166 Failed to upload torrent using webUI in chrome new bug major
#3176 Marking file as "Do Not Download" does not prevent download new Priority bug major
#3177 changer de langue new bug major
#3182 Deluged start with existing lock file crashes local network new bug major
#3187 [WebUI] Upgrade ExtJS library new feature-request major
#3195 Execute Plugin will not start another batch file on Windows new bug major
#3200 deluge-gtk freezes when using the Open File/Folder new gui freeze open bug major
#3207 Core: migrate from Twisted to Asyncio new andar feature-request major
#3226 Credentials new bug major
#3241 Using the move file to completed folder on map drive creates new folder structure in target new bug major
#3255 Migrate core to libtorrent-1.2 new patch major
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.