Custom Query (678 matches)


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Results (126 - 150 of 678)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#1879 Option to add suffix to incomplete files new feature-request minor
#1896 Resolve Peer Hostnames new feature-request minor
#1899 Show an error if disk space runs out new disk, disc, space, free bug trivial
#1913 pid file created by deluged in config is non-standard new pid bug trivial
#1931 No warning when binding to configured listening port fails new bug minor
#1978 Unhandled console login error new bug minor
#1982 Filter non-paused torrents new filter feature-request trivial
#2014 Add option to change data rate units from IEC to SI standard new feature-request minor
#2025 renaming torrent via deluge console new feature-request minor
#2028 Don't save state information in configuration files new feature-request minor
#2041 remove empty folders due to content_filename move new feature-request minor
#2059 [lt.sess_set.tracker_backoff] Add support for libtorrent tracker_backoff option assigned tracker, update, aggressive, timeout, time-out feature-request major
#2063 Removing extra files new feature-request minor
#2079 [Label] Filter by Seed Time new label plugin plugin-request minor
#2105 Proxy for http[s] connections (httpdownloader) new tracker icons, proxy, httpdownloader feature-request minor
#2115 [lt.sess_set.enable_*ing_tcp] uTP bandwidth management new uTP feature-request minor
#2118 No incoming Connections over SOCKS5 Proxy new bug major
#2126 Display issue in console and gtk with torrent non-ascii chars on FreeBSD new utf8, deluge-console bug minor
#2139 Support Metalink new plugin-request minor
#2149 deluge ignoring proxy settings reopened proxy bug critical
#2151 Extend option to copy torrent files to a folder new feature-request minor
#2154 "copy of .torrent" there is no error when specified location is unavailable new bug minor
#2158 remove torrent and data based on seed time and ratio new plugin-request minor
#2162 Name of "renamed torrent files" in the main UI new torrent name, UI, renamed torrent feature-request minor
#2167 Newer version eggs of supplied plugins not overriding old version on Ubuntu new bug minor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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