Custom Query (678 matches)


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Results (151 - 175 of 678)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3446 Seed only when HDD is active new spindown, hdd, seed, active plugin-request minor
#3133 Running deluge-gtk over ssh with X forwarding doesn't allow ssh logout after deluge-gtk is closed new ssh X forwarding hang bug minor
#2440 Stats send to tracker are reset to 0 on pause and quit new stat bug major
#3243 Tray icon issue without libappindicator new statusicon, tray icon bug trivial
#2196 Streaming Playback Buffer Using Piece Deadlines new streaming sequential progressive feature-request minor
#3026 System slowdown new System slow down Molcos74 bug major
#3494 improved usability for thin client with intermittent connection to daemon new thin-client, gui feature-request minor
#2162 Name of "renamed torrent files" in the main UI new torrent name, UI, renamed torrent feature-request minor
#3352 Tracker will not be updated (v2.0.3) new tracker announce bug minor
#2047 Multi-Edit trackers assigned tracker,edit Calum feature-request major
#2105 Proxy for http[s] connections (httpdownloader) new tracker icons, proxy, httpdownloader feature-request minor
#1482 Tracker specific rules reopened tracker rules feature-request minor
#2539 Tracker blocklist new trackers feature-request minor
#2059 [lt.sess_set.tracker_backoff] Add support for libtorrent tracker_backoff option assigned tracker, update, aggressive, timeout, time-out feature-request major
#3287 [Feature Request] Add a progressbar of transfer when using the Move Storage option on big files new transfer moving file progressbar feature-request minor
#3447 Use another translation platform new translation feature-request major
#3564 deluged is using 100% new twisted bug minor
#3565 deluged hangs spamming logs with "Logging.findCaller() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given" new twisted bug critical
#3427 builtins.UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in position 0: invalid continuation byte -- version 2.0.4.dev38+g23a48dd01-2 new twisted, deferred bug critical
#3110 Tabs in OS X breaks Deluge layout new UI, layout, tabs bug major
#2903 Torrent List Does not properly update new UI Update bug minor
#3196 UI Offscreen new UI, window, disappear, offscreen bug minor
#3321 Invalid continuation byte new UnicodeDecodeError: utf-8 bug minor
#3461 Filenames with unicode not working new unicode, filename, file name bug minor
#1108 Abstract unlimited speed setting new unlimited speed confusing feature-request trivial
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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