Custom Query (678 matches)


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Results (151 - 175 of 678)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3136 Add function to add checksums programmatically new bug minor
#3137 Add function to add multiple torrents at once to web UI new bug minor
#3139 Selecting update tracker does nothing new bug minor
#3140 Maximum Connections: -1 not unlimited new maximum connections bug minor
#3141 Deluge crashes assigned Crash zhoid99 bug minor
#3142 Issues when APPDATA path is using Æ new bug minor
#3143 Rename folder fails when old name contains non-ASCII characters new bug minor
#3144 Recheck does not consider completion move directory new bug minor
#3145 Move Storage context menu does not apply to all selected torrents new selection move multiple bug minor
#3146 GTKUI hangs indefinitely when starting local daemon in connection manager while connected to a remote daemon new bug major
#3147 Cache allowed to exceed 32-bit memory limit new 32-bit, memory limit, cache, crash bug minor
#3150 After upgrade to Plasma 5, progress bars are rendered incorrectly new bug minor
#3151 “Missing or invalid torrent data!" new bug minor
#3153 Global speed limits ignored new bug minor
#3156 Settings -> Queue -> Total Active Above 1600 Does Not Increase active_tracker_limit new bug minor
#3157 Force use of HTTPS for trackers new https bug minor
#3158 Mac .app forgets all hosts when password contains brace new bug minor
#3160 share torents new bug major
#3161 1.x GUI hard crash new bug major
#3163 Read Cache size new cache bug major
#3165 "Device or resource busy" on Linux kernel newer than 4.9.0-3 new kernel, device or resource busy bug critical
#3166 Failed to upload torrent using webUI in chrome new bug major
#3168 probleme with validating preferences with gtk interface new bug minor
#3175 Interface glitch when scrolling fast new gtk,interface,scroll,scrolling,glitch bug minor
#3176 Marking file as "Do Not Download" does not prevent download new Priority bug major
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.