Custom Query (24 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#659 Added pam fallback to authentication new authentication andar patch major
#3155 [Security] [Feature request] Use HTTPS for Deluge binaries, source, and web registration page new https, encryption, security, feature request feature-request major
#3176 Marking file as "Do Not Download" does not prevent download new Priority bug major
#3447 Use another translation platform new translation feature-request major
#3525 Session resume, doesn't announce new session, announce, scheduler bug major
#3535 web.conf base configuration not respected. Documented reverse proxy config only works by accidental misconfiguration. new web ui reverse proxy base location bug major
#3544 program downloads ALL files new priority bug major
#2053 Use client-side caching for webui new optimization Damien Churchill feature-request minor
#2408 [Notification] Popup Notification for Windows assigned popup notification windows Calum feature-request minor
#2975 Don't open connections to web seeds when not downloading new connections webseed bug minor
#3140 Maximum Connections: -1 not unlimited new maximum connections bug minor
#3145 Move Storage context menu does not apply to all selected torrents new selection move multiple bug minor
#3331 Localization on mac new I18n gettext libintl locale translation bug minor
#3332 Menu shortcuts on mac. new Shortcuts packaging mac gtkosx-application bug minor
#3354 Consider fixing PPA version new ppa version dpkg bug minor
#3379 Notifications-0.3/...:CoreNotifications._on_torrent_finished_event(): KeyError exception due to incorrect call to torrent.get_status() new notifications bug minor
#3382 Notifications-0.3: improve smtplib.SMTP.sendmail() error logging new notifications patch minor
#3522 Segmentation Fault on Deamon start (Armv71) new SIGSEGV segmentation fault armv71 bug minor
#3584 Right-Click Workaround on Mobile Browsers new ios safari mobile right click bug minor
#3592 Pressing the down button on "Move Complete Folder" crashes GTK new crash file location bug minor
#3633 allow bypass local addresses for webui authentication new authentication, auth, webui, bypass, localhost, local, local address feature-request minor
#578 Setting download directory for multiple torrents should be easier. reopened download location, add torrents andar feature-request trivial
#626 Maintain ratio for torrent above set level new seeding ratio andar feature-request trivial
#3333 Settings format and location on mac: 1.3.x vs 2.0.x new Configuration settings config mac feature-request trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.