Custom Query (107 matches)


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Results (26 - 50 of 107)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#2411 Open Folder action to remote client new remote, open folder feature-request minor
#2501 Deluge opens on the wrong screen in a multiscreen setup under OSX. new mac, osx, display, window bug minor
#2502 [Extract] Uncompress feature, similar to rtorrent unpack new unpack uncompress rar zip web-ui feature-request minor
#2503 "Remove Torrent" doesn't remove "not downloaded" files new remove, torrent feature-request minor
#2517 Disk space sorter (for lack of a better name) new plugin disk space sort automatic plugin-request minor
#2679 Proxy unable to connect after hours of inactivity new proxy, daemon, linux bug minor
#2719 Support reading DHT nodes from metainfo files (BEP-0005) new dht, metainfo feature-request minor
#2833 multiple torrents with overlapping folder structures lose incomplete files when 1st torrent completes new overlaps incomplete moved folders temporary files completed bug major
#2862 Merge private trackers if same domain name new duplicate torrents feature-request minor
#2955 File/protocol association fails with non-default client data path new client bug major
#2963 Opening ports but refusing to use. new port, network bug major
#2975 Don't open connections to web seeds when not downloading new connections webseed bug minor
#2986 detect already downloaded new detect downloaded feature-request minor
#2987 deluge-console help config <setting> new help, config, setting feature-request minor
#3016 Attempting to open a deleted torrent file from Firefox causes GUI lockup by dialog box spamming. new gui,ui,ux,windowing bug minor
#3026 System slowdown new System slow down Molcos74 bug major
#3049 msys/mingw deluge install on Windows new windows, mingw feature-request trivial
#3074 Deluged stopped working on debian, "FFI object has no attribute 'new_allocator'" new debian jessie openssl deluged bug major
#3123 Extractor plug-in will not select new Extractor, plug-ins bug minor
#3133 Running deluge-gtk over ssh with X forwarding doesn't allow ssh logout after deluge-gtk is closed new ssh X forwarding hang bug minor
#3140 Maximum Connections: -1 not unlimited new maximum connections bug minor
#3145 Move Storage context menu does not apply to all selected torrents new selection move multiple bug minor
#3155 [Security] [Feature request] Use HTTPS for Deluge binaries, source, and web registration page new https, encryption, security, feature request feature-request major
#3162 Add passwords support for extractor new plug-in extractor passwords plugin-request minor
#3165 "Device or resource busy" on Linux kernel newer than 4.9.0-3 new kernel, device or resource busy bug critical
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