Custom Query (107 matches)


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Results (51 - 75 of 107)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3175 Interface glitch when scrolling fast new gtk,interface,scroll,scrolling,glitch bug minor
#3196 UI Offscreen new UI, window, disappear, offscreen bug minor
#3200 deluge-gtk freezes when using the Open File/Folder new gui freeze open bug major
#3239 Allow wildcards in console new Wildcard console feature-request minor
#3240 Add argument for progress new Console progress feature-request minor
#3243 Tray icon issue without libappindicator new statusicon, tray icon bug trivial
#3287 [Feature Request] Add a progressbar of transfer when using the Move Storage option on big files new transfer moving file progressbar feature-request minor
#3288 Sorting Issues new Sorting bug minor
#3290 artificial bandwidth limit if max_download_speed set to -1.0 new max_download_speed, bandwidth, bandwidth limit bug minor
#3294 Tracker status: Invalid Argument new Invalid argument bug major
#3321 Invalid continuation byte new UnicodeDecodeError: utf-8 bug minor
#3323 Daemon crashes when trying to remove torrent new json api bug minor
#3331 Localization on mac new I18n gettext libintl locale translation bug minor
#3332 Menu shortcuts on mac. new Shortcuts packaging mac gtkosx-application bug minor
#3333 Settings format and location on mac: 1.3.x vs 2.0.x new Configuration settings config mac feature-request trivial
#3352 Tracker will not be updated (v2.0.3) new tracker announce bug minor
#3354 Consider fixing PPA version new ppa version dpkg bug minor
#3363 web-ui logs do not show real ip when proxied new web-ui nginx bug minor
#3366 WebApi.add_torrents(): deferred RPC failure results are not propagated new add_torrents duplicate bug minor
#3367 WebApi.add_torrents(): implement in-stream BitTorrent file uploading support new add_torrents uploading patch minor
#3379 Notifications-0.3/...:CoreNotifications._on_torrent_finished_event(): KeyError exception due to incorrect call to torrent.get_status() new notifications bug minor
#3382 Notifications-0.3: improve smtplib.SMTP.sendmail() error logging new notifications patch minor
#3399 Customise download/upload speed steps new download, gui, steps feature-request minor
#3400 encoding problem new encoding,russian language bug minor
#3430 Limit storage usage plugin new Limit, storage, plugin plugin-request minor
1 2 3 4 5
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