Custom Query (107 matches)


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Results (76 - 100 of 107)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3363 web-ui logs do not show real ip when proxied new web-ui nginx bug minor
#3366 WebApi.add_torrents(): deferred RPC failure results are not propagated new add_torrents duplicate bug minor
#3367 WebApi.add_torrents(): implement in-stream BitTorrent file uploading support new add_torrents uploading patch minor
#3379 Notifications-0.3/...:CoreNotifications._on_torrent_finished_event(): KeyError exception due to incorrect call to torrent.get_status() new notifications bug minor
#3382 Notifications-0.3: improve smtplib.SMTP.sendmail() error logging new notifications patch minor
#3399 Customise download/upload speed steps new download, gui, steps feature-request minor
#3400 encoding problem new encoding,russian language bug minor
#3430 Limit storage usage plugin new Limit, storage, plugin plugin-request minor
#3446 Seed only when HDD is active new spindown, hdd, seed, active plugin-request minor
#3461 Filenames with unicode not working new unicode, filename, file name bug minor
#3471 Data Disapears, some reappears new data missing vanished reappear bug minor
#3494 improved usability for thin client with intermittent connection to daemon new thin-client, gui feature-request minor
#3504 delguge-gtk crash at popup elements in Wayland session new gtk, popup, wayland bug minor
#3522 Segmentation Fault on Deamon start (Armv71) new SIGSEGV segmentation fault armv71 bug minor
#3542 mako should be an optional dependency new dependencies, webui, mako feature-request minor
#3549 deluge-console add not adding torrent filenames with embedded spaces new console add torrent bug minor
#3560 Windows Installer lacks DisplayVersion Registry entry new windows installer bug minor
#3572 torrents added when disconnected are lost new disconnect, thin client, added, forgotten bug minor
#3592 Pressing the down button on "Move Complete Folder" crashes GTK new crash file location bug minor
#3599 Inconsistent Folder/Title Issue in Deluge to Sonarr new sonarr bug minor
#3607 padding files new padding_file, padding, download, bug minor
#3614 Randomly Loose all Torrent new lost torrents bug minor
#3615 Randomly Lose all Torrent new lost torrents bug minor
#3633 allow bypass local addresses for webui authentication new authentication, auth, webui, bypass, localhost, local, local address feature-request minor
#3643 Thin-Client connection manager retry password prompt failure new password, thinclient, gtk, daemon bug minor
1 2 3 4 5
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