Custom Query (38 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 38)

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Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#722 User access level for control of remote daemon in gtk ui new feature-request minor Future GTK UI
#856 Torrents sharing same folder name issue new bug minor not applicable libtorrent
#493 Subdirectory detection new feature-request minor Future Unknown
#829 Stop Seeding At Active Time new feature-request minor Future Unknown
#860 Sound notification with mp3/ogg files new feature-request minor needs verified GTK UI
#698 Show reason why connection failed to daemon reopened feature-request major Future GTK UI
#880 Set urgent hint on completion of tasks new feature-request trivial Future GTK UI
#578 Setting download directory for multiple torrents should be easier. reopened feature-request trivial Future GTK UI
#581 Seperate seeding bandwidth limit option new feature-request trivial Future Core
#967 Remove/stop torrent after x time seeding reopened feature-request minor Plugin
#623 Remember sorting column used for each label new feature-request trivial Future GTK UI
#1080 Preferences dialog clean-up new feature-request major Future GTK UI
#668 Port mappings not reopened when lost new feature-request trivial not applicable libtorrent
#940 Popout window with torrent details & stats new feature-request trivial Future GTK UI
#397 per file, per torrent, and per multiple torrent speedlimits new plugin-request minor Future Plugin
#527 Option to limit transfer rate to keep a 1:1 share ratio new feature-request minor Future Core
#887 'Move Directory' option when removing a torrent new plugin-request minor Future Core
#685 Modified icon tooltip on events (notification) new feature-request trivial Future GTK UI
#626 Maintain ratio for torrent above set level new feature-request trivial Future Core
#679 List of previously used Tracker Announce urls new feature-request trivial Future GTK UI
#997 ip ban like azureus new feature-request major Future Core
#1051 Installation of an incompatible plugin generates no error new bug minor Future GTK UI
#629 "Find My Downloaded Data" plugin new plugin-request minor Future Plugin
#230 Drag 'n' drop reorder of torrents for download queue new feature-request minor 2.x GTK UI
#367 Do not store per-torrent settings that are saved in the resume data new feature-request trivial 2.x Core
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.