Custom Query (678 matches)


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Results (326 - 350 of 678)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#2984 IPv6 parameter not sent to tracker new bug minor needs verified
#1286 IPv6 Preference Needed new feature-request minor not applicable
#3142 Issues when APPDATA path is using Æ new bug minor needs verified
#3483 j and k (vim-style cursor down/up) mappings are upside-down in deluge-console new bug minor 2.1.1
#1097 Javascript code lacks doc strings/comments new Damien Churchill feature-request trivial Future
#2090 json api get_hosts returns status Offline for all hosts new Damien Churchill bug trivial 2.x
#3375 Keyboard is unresponsive while Deluge 2.0 is starting on Windows new bug minor needs verified
#3498 KeyError exception in sessionproxy when deleting torrents new bug minor 2.0.6
#1849 [label] changes are greedy steals all torrents, auto-labeling picks wrong label new bug major Future
#1541 [Label] Default label option new feature-request minor 2.x
#1557 [Label] Drop-down for labels in Add-Torrent options dialog new feature-request minor 2.x
#2079 [Label] Filter by Seed Time new plugin-request minor Future
#2486 [Label] Network Options for Labels new feature-request minor Future
#1534 [Label] Option for 'move completed' folder to be named using the date new feature-request trivial Future
#3545 Label plugin doesn't remove deleted torrent mappings new bug minor needs verified
#851 Labels can only be lowercase accepted Damien Churchill patch trivial 2.x
#3193 Lack of 0-byte file on read-only seed prevents seeding new bug minor needs verified
#2935 language new bug minor 2.x
#2959 Language selection in WebUI affects GTKUI new bug trivial 2.x
#3376 Last torrent in torrent list hidden by left-right scrollbar new bug minor needs verified
#3642 Latent and missing keys in torrent_status and update_ui API/method returns new bug major needs verified
#3634 latest twisted windows gtk regression new feature-request critical 2.1.2
#3384 Libtorrent 1.2.x support issue. new bug minor needs verified
#3583 Libtorrent I2P Support new bug minor needs verified
#3095 Limiting per peer download speed new feature-request trivial needs verified
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.