Custom Query (679 matches)


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Results (401 - 425 of 679)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3283 Authentication Failure new bug major needs verified
#3285 UnicodeDecodeError in torrents.state new bug minor needs verified
#3286 Error setting some config values from console ('str' object has no attribute 'decode') new bug minor needs verified
#3287 [Feature Request] Add a progressbar of transfer when using the Move Storage option on big files new feature-request minor needs verified
#3288 Sorting Issues new bug minor needs verified
#3289 Remove Torrent Removes Associated .tor new feature-request minor needs verified
#3290 artificial bandwidth limit if max_download_speed set to -1.0 new bug minor needs verified
#3291 deluge-console exit code always "0" new feature-request minor Future
#3292 Announces with left!=0 for some finished torrents new bug major not applicable
#3293 Torrents won't seed. new bug critical needs verified
#3294 Tracker status: Invalid Argument new bug major 2.0.6
#3299 gtkui - spin_share_ratio min clamps to 0.5, should be 0.0 new bug minor needs verified
#3300 Move Download Folder triggers recheck even if the new folder is the same as the old one new bug minor needs verified
#3301 "deluge-console rm" argument confusion new bug minor needs verified
#3302 Deluge tries to login with empty credentials new bug major Future
#3304 Autoadd downloads to the wrong folder new bug major needs verified
#3305 little space for folder selection new bug minor needs verified
#3306 deluge-gtk mem leak new bug major needs verified
#3307 Deluge-gtk crashes upon connection/general protection fault new bug major needs verified
#3308 New webapi with interactive docs (swagger-ui) new feature-request minor 2.x
#3311 Deluge stops with proxy set new bug major needs verified
#3312 Prefetch-metadata fails on GTKUI thin-client. new bug minor needs verified
#3313 GTKUI thinclient cannot start localhost daemon on Windows. new bug minor 2.0.6
#3314 Daemons don't background themselves on Windows. new bug minor needs verified
#3315 Open Folder option shows me the folder where the file is, but the file is not selected. new feature-request minor needs verified
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.