Custom Query (678 matches)


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Results (26 - 50 of 678)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#3635 [WebUI] language not changing when chaning to system default new bug minor 2.1.2
#3453 Web UI is freezing on Safari when selecting a torrent new bug minor needs verified
#3454 Web UI is freezing on Safari when selecting a torrent new bug minor needs verified
#2042 WebUI incredibly slow with 1500 torrents new Damien Churchill bug blocker performance
#2170 WebUI generates AttributeError when reconnected to daemon new Damien Churchill bug trivial 2.x
#2710 WebUI console flood: AuthError: Not authenticated new bug major 2.x
#3594 Web UI can only connect to one daemon at a time but shows both daemon's torrents new bug minor needs verified
#2728 Web seed connections do not honor configured proxy new bug major not applicable
#3092 Web GUI disconnection from daemon during torrent removal new bug major needs verified
#3436 web dark theme support new feature-request minor needs verified
#3535 web.conf base configuration not respected. Documented reverse proxy config only works by accidental misconfiguration. new bug major needs verified
#3061 WebAPITestCase.test_add_host failing intermittently on travis new bug minor 2.x
#3619 [Web API] Empty response adding a duplicate torrent new bug minor needs verified
#3367 WebApi.add_torrents(): implement in-stream BitTorrent file uploading support new patch minor needs verified
#3366 WebApi.add_torrents(): deferred RPC failure results are not propagated new bug minor needs verified
#3172 View Deluge Configuration files new plugin-request minor not applicable
#3173 View Deluge Configuration files new plugin-request minor not applicable
#3611 v2.1.1 not allowing new torrent to be saved new bug major needs verified
#3241 Using the move file to completed folder on map drive creates new folder structure in target new bug major needs verified
#722 User access level for control of remote daemon in gtk ui new andar feature-request minor Future
#2911 Use less versbose units in UIs new feature-request minor 2.1.1
#2152 use HTTP basic token if availlable new Damien Churchill feature-request minor Future
#2053 Use client-side caching for webui new Damien Churchill feature-request minor Future
#1305 Use CDN for css & js includes new Damien Churchill feature-request minor Future
#3258 Use app id for GTKUI new bug minor 2.1.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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